A New Community Group for Tintern Grammar
The new Tintern Parent Group met for its inaugural meeting on Thursday 26 May. Our congratulations to the new committee!
President Loraine Allender
Vice-Presidents Jessica Adam and Kate Jones
Secretary Clare Jensen
Assistant Secretary Roshini Higgins
Treasurer Ruby Nagendran
Committee members Djoymi Baker, Katy Brumley, Caitlin Bryson, Leeza Crowe, Lee Elliott-Bruce, Michael Love, Lisa Robson, Kylie Spears, Haidee Wallace.
The Tintern Parent Group is made up of parent and friend volunteers who support the school under the following aims:
- To promote the welfare of Tintern Grammar and to assist its school board, other bodies which form part of the Tintern family, the principal and staff members, and other persons and organisations associated with the school in furthering the interests and objectives of the school;
- To promote and facilitate contact and communication between members, staff members, the board and other interested parties in order that ideas and views may be exchanged and developed for the support of the school and its activities; and
- To raise funds for the school.
The Tintern Association and the Southwood Parents Club 1922 – 2016
The Tintern Association was established in 1922, 94 years ago, when money was tight and it was thought that parents and friends could assist keeping the basic running of the school; the immediate object of the group was to ‘improve material conditions at the school.’ During the depression and for some years following the regular income of the school was stretched and could barely cover essential purchases and replacements. Tintern was dependent on its old girls and on the small but active Tintern Association to donate and fund library books, sports trophies, an epidiascope, top dressing for the tennis courts, playground equipment and donations for prizes. These things and much else were given by individual members of TOGA or the Association, or by the groups themselves from funds raised by bridge evenings, plays, fetes and other activities. Over the years, the need has changed but the community spirit and support has continued. In 1996 the Tintern Association joined together with other community groups as part of the Tintern Family Association which provided the groups with legal protection under the rules of Incorporation. In 1999 following the commencement of Southwood Boys Grammar, the Southwood Parents Club was formed with their inaugural meeting on 21 July 1999.
A number of notable contributions over the history of the SPC followed including honour boards, tree project, kayaks, a Southwood inaugural fair in 2003, awards, cubby house, billiard and table tennis tables, Southwood coffee table book, pavers, coffee machine, hoodies, and support of the Mother’s Day and Father’s Day breakfasts.
In 2008 the two parent groups discussed a possible merger but decided to defer to another time.
The Tintern Association also continued to add value added items to Tintern and during most recent years has contributed with its Southwood counterpart items that include water tanks, solar panels, computer equipment, play and sports equipment, sound equipment, stage lighting, honour boards, artefacts, tents and outdoor equipment.
We must not forget the numerous events that are supported and hosted by the parent associations; fairs, exhibitions, garden tours, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day stalls, movie nights, second-hand book sales and the Presentation Ball, to name but a few.
It is important to also acknowledge the special interest groups that stem from the Tintern Association such as the Friends of Music (est. 2000) and Friends of Equestrian (est. 2001) and the newly formed Friends of Young Farmers (est. 2012), and we can’t forget the Parents of Paddlers which finished up in 2011.
It goes without saying that these achievements over the years do not happen by magic; they are the culmination of many dedicated and passionate people who all have one thought in mind: to enhance the students’ experience through value-added activities whilst building a spirit of togetherness. The Tintern Association together with the Southwood Parents club no doubt has contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to the school. Just as importantly it has built on Tintern’s resounding community spirit that will take the new Tintern Parent Group well into the future.
No dollar value can be placed on the worth of community spirit and unity. Thank you to all the parents and friends who are willing give their time, energy and effort into different activities around Tintern Grammar.
“Don’t ever question the value of volunteers. Noah’s Ark was built by volunteers; whereas the Titanic was built by professionals.”