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Middle School

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Tintern Grammar’s Parallel Learning Program provides our Middle School students with an unrivalled opportunity to learn, grow and develop.

Girls’ Middle School

The philosophy of our Girls’ Middle School focuses on assisting students to effectively manage change and individual challenges. Our outstanding staff create innovative and engaging lessons that are ideal for girls. Our small class sizes offer a collaborative environment where students are encouraged to question freely and receive individual attention. Evidence based research clearly supports a single-gender middle school that provides a tailored learning environment that builds confidence, provides access to genuine leadership opportunities and helps them to develop a healthy self-worth. Throughout our Girls’ Middle School our students are encouraged to seek to be courageous young women who do not get lost in the negative pursuit of perfection but rather seek opportunities and take measured risks. We encourage a high level of self-reflection in order to help students strive towards the adults that they are seeking to be.  Establishment of key character traits such as responsibility, compassion and integrity are essential as we support our students to navigate these complex years of adolescence. Self-expression at Tintern Grammar is celebrated, and girls are encouraged to explore broadly to establish their own passions and interests. We seek to establish a positive and optimistic disposition where students strive for excellence. The Middle School provides dedicated pastoral care and support both individually and through our extensive pastoral care program encompassing the renowned The Resilience Project. The pastoral team works with students to foster self-discipline, independence and a sense of community through social justice activities and seeks

to build resilience in each student in preparation for the next stage of their learning.

In Mathematics, we ensure students are streamed to classes most appropriate for their level of ability. Our girls are actively encouraged to pursue ‘gender atypical’ areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) throughout their schooling at Tintern. Language options offered at Tintern Grammar are French and Mandarin; our French students have the opportunity to participate in an exchange program. In addition to core subjects, Middle School presents students with exciting learning choices including Performing Arts, Physical Ed, Music, Agriculture, Commerce, Home Economics, IT, and Visual Arts. Our on-campus farm is the site for hands-on learning in relevant projects, including science. Girls are also able to take part in a range of sports. Inter-school events and matches are scheduled during the week, so weekends can be kept free. We work closely with our Boys’ Middle School so that our students have opportunities to develop skills to have respectful and effective interactions with their peers that will be essential professionally in years to come. We have an extensive culture trips and tours program to develop independence and engagement our broader community. Through our teaching staff we provide terrific role models who delight in the opportunity to work alongside students inside and outside the classroom. Tintern has been helping girls to become strong, successful women for over 140 years. We are proud today’s Middle School girls continue to uphold this tradition.

Boys' Middle School

This single-gender environment has allowed us to formulate a curriculum focussed directly on boys, whilst small classes give our students an optimum learning environment in which they can fully engage with teaching staff. We know Middle School years are key to a boy’s development, and we offer pastoral guidance in a nurturing, supportive environment vital for their wellbeing. We examine, guide and mentor topics relevant to young teenage men, inclusive of our School’s values and encouraging wise choices. Cyber-safety, bullying, safe choices, puberty, alcohol and risk-taking behaviour are discussed in our secure environment where we can address either single year levels or the entire Middle School group. Learning in Middle School is focussed and targeted. In Mathematics, we ensure students are streamed to classes appropriate for their level of ability and we provide accelerated classes to students who need to be challenged with their learning. Boys need to approach their learning with enthusiasm and curiosity. To capture these qualities our teachers design study topics with direct appeal to boys. For example, in a recent Year 9 statistics research project, athletes’ winning times and margins in events at an Olympics were analysed. This allowed students to relate more closely to the specifics of the study. Parallel Learning allows us to develop reading programs and choose texts with specific appeal to boys. We help stimulate their interest, and encourage them to engage and enjoy their reading.

Similarly, the range of elective subjects available at Middle School are not just stimulating, but relevant to interest and possible future career paths. These include: building a PC, 3D printing, as well as designing and building Apps and Games. Language options offered at Tintern Grammar are French and Mandarin; our language students have the opportunity to participate in an exchange program. Our outdoor education programs feature exciting activities too. Our sequential camp program allow boys to challenge themselves and extend their boundaries in supportive, supervised surroundings. Tinternwood, our on-campus farm is the site for hands-on learning in relevant projects including science and agriculture. For some students, their involvement with the farm can lead to further studies and career opportunities. In addition to core subjects, boys are offered and encouraged to participate in a broad range of activities including Performing Arts, Physical Education, Agriculture, Commerce, IT, and Visual Arts. A wide range of sports is available, with inter-school events and matches scheduled during weekdays, to allow boys to keep their weekends free. Our values-based learning program together with solid, exciting learning opportunities offers boys positive direction, as they mature and move towards manhood. Tintern has been educating children since 1877 and we are proud that Tintern’s Middle School Boys continue to uphold this tradition.

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