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Giving at Tintern

Your financial gift to Tintern Grammar will help to support and sustain our School now and into the future. We are a strong and caring community and your contribution will make a difference and assist us in our goal to prepare students to be collaborative, confident and creative – capable of navigating complexity in a rapidly-changing world. Tax deductible donations are gratefully accepted for:


At Tintern Grammar we are proud to offer Scholarship opportunities to support attendance at our School by young people who might otherwise not have the option to attend Tintern. A Scholarship to Tintern opens diverse and challenging opportunities for the holder and provides breadth and depth to their education and carries with it a duty to contribute and lead within the Tintern community. Find out more about Tintern Scholarships.


Library Fund

Your donation will provide funds to purchase books and inspiring resources for our students learning.


Building Fund

Your donation will contribute to new building works or refurbishment projects.



Donations can be made to other areas of the School, for example the Music Department, Performing Arts or Sports (these donations are not tax deductible).

Donate Today

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I give permission for my gift to be acknowledged by name not amounts in the School’s online and print editions of Factis.
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Donation Total: $250.00


By remembering Tintern Grammar in your will, you will ensure a lasting legacy and benefit future generations of Tintern students. If you have decided to include Tintern Grammar in your will, after discussing your wishes with your family, please advise us of your intention. We would like to acknowledge and thank you for your confirmed bequest within your lifetime, with the recognition of the lifechanging effect of your gift. Alternatively, you may also choose to remain an anonymous bequest.

For further information about making a bequest to Tintern Grammar please contact:


Di Lacey | Alumni and Community Relations Manager

email:    phone: (03) 9845 7893



Building Futures Together - Giving Day 2024

On Wednesday 19 June 2024, we held our second Giving Day.

On behalf of the Tintern Board, Principal and Executive team, we sincerely thank our community for their care and generous support during Giving Day 2024.

We surpassed our goal, with the final tally at 10.00 am on 20 June exceeding $167,000. With final donations added, this amount increased to over $170,000.

This incredible achievement will provide the gift of 13 Scholarships for one year, changing lives and enriching our School community.
