A Big Breakfast in the Early Learning Centre
The ELC Big Breakfast in 2018 was again celebrated by over 100 members of the Tintern extended family. This year, the fundraising efforts and donations have gone towards supporting the Uniting Wesley Homeless Crisis Service. The ELC foyer currently has more than 10 boxes of non-perishable food items, which will be delivered to the service. Leading up to the breakfast, the children were involved in discussions where they could further explore the ELC’s theme of “This is me, I care for my world”. The importance of being kind, caring and showing compassion for others was discussed. The children have also talked about what they can do to help. This question asks the children to think about the responsibility, which comes with caring for the world and all of us who live in it. Each day when arriving at the ELC and seeing the donated items displayed, the children are reminded that even though they are young, they can still do something for someone else. The children from all classes had a definite buzz of excitement both leading up to, during, and after the breakfast.
The breakfast provided an opportunity for our community to take time out of a busy day, and engage in a community event focussed on care and compassion.
by Wendy Oates, Pre-Prep A Teacher