Class of 2022 Valedictory Dinner
The Year 12 Valedictory Dinner was held at Leonda by the Yarra on Monday 21 November. It is always a special occasion for students, families, staff and special guests of the School. It is a time to relax and acknowledge the completion of secondary schooling for our Class of 2022. For families with their last child leaving Tintern Grammar, it is a symbolic farewell occasion. It was wonderful to observe the interactions between our School community and acknowledgements given by our students to the teaching staff who have worked alongside them over the years.
The students were each presented with gifts: their Valedictory Book, year level photographs and also a gift from the Tintern Grammar Alumni (TGA). We appreciated the assistance from Ms Emily Mignot the President of the TGA and Ms Carol Robertson as President of the Tintern Old Girls Association (TOGA) for their support and words of encouragement. Our best wishes are extended to the Class of 2022 as they venture into life beyond school.
Heather Rucket | Year 12 Co-ordinator and Careers Consultant