As indicated in the 2024 Gender Pay Gap results by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA), Tintern Grammar has a median pay gap of 9.2% for the 2022/23 reporting year. The pay gap for Tintern Grammar is lower than the Education and Training industry data at 10.1%.
The workforce at our School comprises of 187 employees, of which 53.48% worked full-time and 46.52% part-time. The substantial number of part time staff demonstrates the commitment to workplace flexibility balanced with school operations.
A breakdown by age reveals that 62% of the staff are aged 46 and above, 22% fall within the 36-45 age bracket, 14% are between the ages of 26 and 35, and 2% are under the age of 25. Females make up 79.14% of the workforce, while males account for 20.86%.
74% of women are in the upper quartile with an average total remuneration of $145,000. This is a result of the higher number of women holding management roles compared to that of men.
The gender composition of the governing body/Board is gender balanced with 50% male and 50% female. Upon review of the national statistics provided by WGEA only 19% of Chairs are women. Tintern Grammar contributes to that 19% with a female Chair of the Board.
While gender pay gap is not a measure of gender pay equality or equal pay, it is worth highlighting that Tintern Grammar pays benchmarked salaries in order to retain and attract the best staff.
The education industry is highly female dominated. Staff are paid based on classification levels determined by years of experience regardless of gender or age. There is a higher proportion of male teachers at the top of the teaching scale, for female teachers there is a greater distribution across the teaching levels. Another direct impact on the School’s gender pay gap would be that a higher proportion of women work in positions such as administration roles which attract a lower salary than staff holding teaching roles or senior leadership positions.
There are no bonus schemes that would influence the current gender pay gap. The Executive leadership group structure is 50% male and 50% female. Executive staff are appointed based on merit. It is worth noting that the majority of senior Executive positions are currently held by males. While this may contribute to the data outcomes, we want to retain strong leaders irrespective of gender.
Actions for Gender Equality Strategy