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Home / Visual Art and Design  / Horizons Art 2016 – 2019 Mosaic Totem Poles
Horizon Art Totem Poles

In 2016, an opportunity was created for anyone interested in enhancing their art/creativity to join in as a group to make amazing works to adorn Tintern Grammar! Following on from our successful mosaic planters that feature at the entrance to the Visual Art & Design space, we embarked on a journey to make a series of mosaic ‘totem poles’ that were to be placed in the grounds of Tintern for everyone to enjoy. We wanted to fill the space with colour, pattern and a touch of whimsy, inspired by the wonderful public art works that Melbourne has to offer.

The culmination of many hours of work after school on a Monday, with students from Years 7 – 10, over four years, using 1000’s of glass and ceramic tiles, terracotta pots, adhesive, glue, very messy grout and painstaking designs and application are now proudly, and beautifully, installed in the ‘Mural Courtyard’ in between the Visual Art & Science Buildings.

As you traverse between the buildings, please take the time to appreciate the many, many hours of work and enjoy the array of colours, tiles and mirrors that create a sense of community and belonging.

By Rachel Waud, Head of Visual Art & Design
