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Home / Junior Schools  / Adam Wallace Workshops in the Junior School

For the first two weeks of Term 3, both Junior Schools have had the pleasure of hosting guest author, Adam Wallace. Adam has written and illustrated scores of books and is currently on the New York Times Bestseller List for How to Catch the Easter Bunny.

Adam participated in all library classes by conducting writing and illustration workshops. In these workshops Adam walked the students through ways to generate ideas for writing stories by juxtaposing characters and situations. During the drawing lessons he modelled cartooning techniques by conducting step-by-step guided drawing tasks. He also answered questions about his life as an author, his best writing habits and steps involved in the publishing processes.

The students were highly engaged and motivated during Adam’s sessions. His keen sense of humour, lively manner and creativity will have undoubtedly inspired a whole new generation of writer/ illustrators.

We thank Adam for making himself available to be part of our library program and look forward to his return.

by Emily Mars, Junior School Library Teacher
