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Home / Curriculum  / New Physics and Science Laboratory is a Real Hit!

The new Physics laboratory has now been open for four weeks. In addition to our four VCE and IB Year 11 and 12 Physics classes, a number of Year 7 to 9 Science classes have the occasional lesson timetabled in the lab as well. The wonderful space, versatility and modern facilities of the new lab are appreciated by students and teachers alike and I would agree with Mr Fry, who has the pleasure of teaching 7A in there, that it is the best laboratory we have taught in.

The Year 7 students have been designing their own experiments this week. 7D was very happy to be able to make use of the flexibility offered by the Physics laboratory when they were gathering data for research questions such as “how does the type of ball affect the height it bounces back to?”, “How does the distance a marble is rolled from affect the movement of a group of marbles it hits?” and “How does the mass of salt dissolved in water affect the time it takes for the water to boil?”

by Lanna Derry, Head of Science
